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11 Best Spring Cleaning Tips and How to Get Rid of Excess Stuff

2022 March 30
Written by Make Space Storage

With the warmer spring weather approaching, home spring cleaning is at the front of many people’s minds. You may be asking yourself, where do I start - the living room, the backyard, the garage? If you feel daunted with everything that needs to get done, remember to break tasks up into manageable subtasks and be gentle with yourself if cleaning takes longer than expected. From putting some items into storage to reorganizing, cleaning and decluttering your house, this blog is full of valuable and easy tips for spring cleaning and organizing that you can use in both your day-to-day and spring cleaning. 

1. Discover The Type Of Cleaning You Want To Do

The first thing to consider is determining the type of cleaning you want to do. Doing this can help you set expectations and not be left feeling drained, overwhelmed, and exhausted after a little bit of spring cleaning. Here are some differences between spring cleaning, house cleaning, and deep cleaning: 

  • Spring cleaning is typically done once a year and is a more thorough cleaning than what you would do weekly, generally including things like mopping floors, dusting shelves, and wiping down surfaces that don't get cleaned as often. 

  • House cleaning is the day-to-day maintenance of your home, such as making sure the dishes are done, and the floors are vacuumed. 

  • Deep cleaning is a more intensive version of house cleaning and usually involves decluttering, shampooing carpets and washing windows.

Over time you will find the right combination of cleaning that works best for your home, property, and lifestyle. However, even if you already have the perfect cleaning approach, reminding yourself of the different types of cleaning before getting started can be a great way to recenter your goals and expectations. 

2. Create The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

A simple and effective way to start is by listing everything you need to do, from organizing and decluttering to any deep cleaning you want to include. Remember to type out or write down all the tasks and subtasks for each project, room, and area that needs cleaning. Creating a detailed list will help you stay on track and focused, ensuring that nothing is forgotten or missed. 

3. Prioritize Your Spaces & Rooms

Once you have formed your detailed list, take a look at everything you have on your list, and prioritize the tasks you will need to do throughout the spring months. This could include decluttering your closet, reorganizing the front hall closet, emptying your garage for a deep clean or tackling the backyard shed. Consider the amount of time and energy you need to dedicate to each room, area, wardrobe, and project. Think about areas or spaces that will be more stressful and draining for you to declutter than others. 

4. Make a Spring Cleaning Plan

Now that you have prioritized your list based on your lifestyle and house, think about if it makes more sense to start in your basement, home office, kitchen, bedroom, or bathroom. Another great way to plan out, organize and systemize your cleaning process is by starting at the top and working your way down. For example, suppose you are planning on conquering your entire house. In that case, you could start by cleaning any fans and ceilings before shifting your focus to cleaning and dusting tabletops or vacuuming floors. This strategy helps you reduce the amount of recleaning needed in each room. 

5. Be Prepared With Cleaning Supplies & Organizing Tools

Needing to stop your cleaning so that you can go out and buy more cleaning supplies can put a wrench in your spring cleaning momentum and plans. You can prevent this by ensuring that you have enough cleaning products and packing supplies before starting. You can order packing supplies such as boxes, markers, and bubble wrap from our Make Space Storage online store if you plan to sort, put away, or store any of your belongings.

6. Focus on One Area at a Time

Many people start feeling inspired and determined, but they quickly start feeling drained and overwhelmed after the first day or weekend of spring house cleaning. A great strategy to avoid this from happening is to start by decluttering and cleaning room by room. While you are doing this, try to stay realistic and allow more time than you expect to finish each task on your spring cleaning list.

7. Sort, Declutter, and Clean

Instead of trying to organize everything in your home before you start cleaning, sort and tidy each room as you make your way through your spring cleaning list. With this strategy, you can steadily declutter your home and tackle your spring home cleaning. While you are doing this, it can be helpful to sort items into organized boxes or areas labelled: keep, seasonal, storage, charity, garage sale, and garbage. Remember to include your wardrobe and clothes as part of your spring washing and house cleaning. For example, you can put away your winter clothes while rotating and bring out your spring and summer clothes, shoes, and outfits. 

8. Consider Renting A Self-Storage Unit or Portable Storage Container

As you focus on each room of your home, it can be difficult to fully clean the space since there is already lots of clutter and items. Instead of moving your things all over the house and needing to redo your cleaning and organizing, you can save time and energy by renting a self-storage unit or a portable storage container for your belongings. Depending on your lifestyle and the home you are cleaning, you will find that utilizing different storage services has unique benefits. 

  • Self-Storage: This service is when you rent a storage locker or an onsite storage container located at one of our Make Space Storage facilities. Renting a self-storage unit is extremely useful if you live in an apartment, condo, or a home that may not have lots of driveway or garden space. 

  • Portable Storage: With mobile storage, there are two options. Firstly you can load and keep your container either at your current location or have it moved to a secondary location if needed. The second option is to have your fully loaded mobile storage container stored at one of our Make Space Storage facilities, then, whenever you are ready, have it delivered back to your home. 

The advantages of using and renting either a self-storage unit or portable storage container can help you fast-track your spring cleaning and decluttering during these warmer spring months.

9. Take Your Spring Cleaning Outside

While conquering your to do list, keep your windows or doors open to maximize airflow when cleaning rooms and spaces inside your house. When possible, try to take your spring cleaning ideas outside to take advantage of the warmer weather and fresh air. As part of your house spring cleaning checklist, you can alternate between focusing on areas within your home and spaces outside, such as your shed, balcony, deck, garden, or even pressure washing outside your home and driveway.

10. Enlist Help 

You do not have to clean your house alone! One of the most straightforward, easy spring cleaning tips and tricks we can provide is to ask your friends or family for help. Spin this “chore” into a fun Saturday morning activity the whole family can be involved in that ends in a backyard bbq to relax. When asking friends to help, you could potentially decide to alternate between helping each other with your spring cleaning, or you could agree to work together and hold a joint garage sale. Alternatively, you can hire a professional service to help you with your most challenging or daunting tasks is something else for you to consider. Enlisting the services of a professional cleaning company is very common for deep cleaning tasks such as freshening up carpets or the maintenance and cleaning of the outside of your home.

11. Have Fun and Keep it Light

You can prevent yourself from feeling that your spring cleaning process has become a chore that stops you from enjoying the warmer springtime weather.  One way is to put your favourite music on or listen to a series of fantastic audiobooks while decluttering, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, sorting, and cleaning your house. Although spring cleaning is essential, remember to allocate some of your time for your hobbies, activities, fun events, and loved ones. 

Need Extra Storage For Your Clutter?

You do not have to throw away your belongings so you can declutter your home or clean a specific room. Instead, you can rent a self-storage locker on location or a portable storage container delivered to your property. You can put your winter tools, equipment, toys, and items into your rented storage unit to help you maintain all the hard work, time, and energy you have spent on cleaning and decluttering your house during the upcoming spring months.

Make Space Storage provides secure, affordable, and convenient storage solutions that can meet your spring cleaning storage needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more about our self-storage units and portable storage container rental services. We are happy to answer your questions and hope that you found these tips to conquer your spring cleaning hacks helpful.

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