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How To Avoid Dry Rotting And Cracking When Storing Tires

2021 November 30
Written by Make Space Storage

Tire storage is often viewed as an unnecessary and time consuming task. But understanding how to store your tires properly is essential to prolonging their lifespan and quality. A great thing about tire storage is usually you will only have to change your tires twice a year - at the beginning of spring and at the beginning of winter! Why not protect your tires to get as much value out of them as possible? 

Since many people don’t know how to effectively store their tires, we wanted to provide you with some tips and tricks. Let's dive into how you can avoid dry rotting and cracking and how to store your vehicle's tires properly!

How To Keep Tires From Dry Rotting and Cracking

You may be wondering what dry rotting looks like on your tires? Tire dry rot is visible cracking in a tire’s tread or sidewall that happens when the tire's rubber breaks down. Many factors could cause cracking and dry rotting of your tires, such as exposure to UV rays, severe temperature changes, leaving them in storage for too long, and/or incorrectly storing the tires.

Tires usually last around ten years before the natural wear and tear caused by everyday use and environmental impacts happen. This wear and tear is caused by deterioration to your tire's treads which affects the tire's ability to provide traction for your vehicle. If you see visible signs that your tires are experiencing cracking or are dried out, do not continue to use them because they will not be safe for you or anyone on the road!

6 Tips And Tricks To Store Your Tires

Clean Your Tires Before Storage

Before storing your tires you should clean off any dirt, debris and brake dust. Many people might automatically think they need a professional-grade tire cleaner, tire gloss or tire dressing but we recommend avoiding all of these products. These products can result in your tires deteriorating faster, which is the opposite of what we want to do.

We recommend using mild dish soap, water and a cloth to scrub debris that builds up on your tires after the season. Once you have finished washing your tires, make sure you dry them off completely before moving to the next step. 

Store Tires In Air Tight Plastic Bags

After cleaning and drying your tires, place each dry tire in a tire cover such as individual large plastic bags. We recommend using vacuum sealable bags or removing as much air as possible to reduce moisture build-up during the winter or summer months. You also can use large plastic bags, tarps or black garbage bags if vacuum sealable bags are not an option for you.

Keep Tires In A Climate-Controlled Environment

Storing your tires in a climate-controlled space can extend the life of your tires by reducing their exposure to severe temperature changes that cause precipitation and humidity. Extreme shifts in temperature on tires just sitting in your garage can result in dry rotting, cracking and warping of the tire shape. 

You should also avoid storing your tires outside or in a space that exposes them to direct sunlight for an extended period of time. We recommend storing in a cool, dry location such as a basement or climate-controlled storage space such as a self-storage locker. If your only option is to keep them in your garage, make sure they are covered to prevent them from moisture and exposure to sunlight. 

Stack Tires Correctly

The space you choose to stack your tires may require them to be stacked if there is not enough room to store them side by side. We recommend storing your tires vertically instead of stacking horizontally to reduce the risk of your tires becoming distorted. Stacked tires should be rotated monthly to avoid any damage that can happen from deformities. 

Regardless of how you decide to stack your tires, you should always place something underneath to avoid direct contact with the ground to avoid any moisture or water from getting underneath the bottom tires. 

Check the Quality Of Your Tires Before Putting Them On A Vehicle

How long have you had your summer and winter tires? Each season takes another toll on the quality of your tires and the level of safety they provide you. It is crucial to make sure you check the quality of your tires at the beginning of each season before putting them back on your vehicle. Ensuring there are no flat spots, cracks or ruptures in the rubber! If you see any of these signs it's probably time you replace your tires. 

Remove Tires From Vehicles You Plan On Storing

Lastly, if you plan on storing your vehicle for an extended period of time, consider removing the tires before. Leaving tires on a vehicle that you are not driving actually can cause more damage than normal day-to-day wear and tear. Driving on your tires helps maintain oil dispersion within the rubber and helps the flexibility of your tires. 


We hope this blog helps you store your tires next season to prolong their life and prevent early signs of dry rotting and cracking. To protect yourself and people on the road, you need to ensure your tires are safe and provide you with the necessary traction to brake in winter conditions and even in the summer! 

Instead of storing your tires inside your home or basement, consider renting a Make Space Storage climate-controlled self-storage unit from one of our locations across Canada!

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