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What Make Space Storage is Doing to Reduce the Spread of Covid-19

2020 December 09
Written by Make Space Storage

The lives of Canadians quickly changed with the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19). Holidays like Halloween have been cancelled, people haven’t been able to see or hug friends or family for months and many non-essential businesses have had to shut their doors.

This pandemic entered our lives so quickly that many plans like selling a house or moving had already been made. Businesses have had to shut their doors and put everything into storage. People have also lost their jobs and are having to move to more affordable housing options.

Here at Make Space Storage our main priority is keeping our staff and our customers safe during these unprecedented times. Our storage solutions are here for you and we will do everything we can to make sure that when you use our services it goes smoothly and safely. 

What we are doing to keep our customers safe

  • At our storage facilities we are offering digital agreements so that we can go through the entire move in process without any personal contact 

  • All of our staff at our Make Space Storage locations will be physical distancing and wearing masks. We will also make sure to be disinfecting regularly and offering hand sanitizer

  • We recommend that only one customer be inside our office at a time. If there are more people then we ask our customers to wait in their vehicle until we are done with the current customer.

  • Our delivery drivers practice social distancing and will be wearing a mask during the drop-off and pick-up of your container. If you have any questions, feel free to ask our drivers but we ask that you please keep your distance. Don’t have any questions? Feel free to stay inside!

What we are doing to keep our staff safe

  • We offer appropriate personal protective equipment to all of our staff members at our locations. We even have our very own Make Space Storage branded masks and disinfectant spray

  • We have limited the number of staff members that can be at each location at a certain time

  • High-touch surfaces are being disinfected every two hours

  • Employees are social distancing and staying at least 6 feet apart from each other and from our customers

  • Team members that are able to work from home are encouraged to do so

  • Staff are required to report any sicknesses and to take sick days when needed

Get your unique offer from Make Space Storage right now

Feel at ease about moving with Make Space Storage during Covid-19

We understand that moving can be a stressful time for anyone and the risk of your health and safety must only make the move more stressful. We want to ensure you that we are doing everything we can to keep our customers and staff safe.If you have any questions please contact us and we would be happy to answer them.

Nancy Shields, Make Space Storage - 1 Ave (Prince George)

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